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Personal reflection of the material  in class: Single Stories
By: Paulina Talamás

Of the material we have covered so far in these classes the one topic that i think affects me personally is when we talked about single stories. Stereotypes are defined as a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

 Even if we admit it or not, we know that we have been there; either someone has held one towards us or the other way around. And the danger of it relies on judging a whole group of people just because of the actions of a few that relate to the same group.

            This ethnic or racial stereotypes can be hurtful to a lot of people, maybe most people don’t see this as a danger, but it is an unwise practice and not beneficial neither for the person holding the stereotype and much less beneficial towards the person who is been stereotyped.

There isn't a single benefit found in joking about a group of people’s beliefs or way of believing just because they’re different about yours. This is what really makes the world a beautiful place to live in, finding differences among people, learning from them and enjoying them, for the world is full of diversity and is what makes the whole trip (life) worth our while.


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