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About Us

The Global Gossip is a project of students from Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM). Students of the class Communication and Globalization will be posting interesting articles covering topics discussed.

Contact us for more information: globalization.itesm @ gmail.com


  1. Globalization and media.

    We can't talk about globalization without thinking in communication and backwards. Is truth that globalization is growing up thanks to the media but is also truth that the media all over the world wont be known if there was no globalization.

    Globalization, is a process which humanity is passing by, there are cultural shocks and media is taking a fundamental role for this to happen. Borders between countries are dissapearing thanks to globalization and the ways of thinking within society is getting more similar.

    Countries are getting more connected in such an economical, political and social way as a product of the technologies of information and the communication especially now the internet which is getting each day more common for the people. Communication is the main tool of the human being so they can express their ideas so communication and media are great mix to go beyond borders all over the world.
