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Nowadays we live in so much rush, we have so much going on, we have in our hands the access for a lot of informaiton, not only local or national, we have global access. We can watch a lot of content from all over the world, we can eat food from all over the world, we can travel, we can speak with almost anyone using english. The world is really going GLOBAL.

But people is now realizing that they don't really like that... that they are missing home, and their own cultural things, their food, their clothes, their drinks, their everything. This is call Localism, and we can think that no, that this is a lie. But only think about how popular nowadays it's to have natural vegetable garden in our houses, people is looking for natural vegetables, natural and REAL things, they are tired of processed food.

And its incredible to see that this is happening here in Monterrey, such it's the example of the next places:

  • BREAD: craftsman and "artistic" bread http://bread.enmty.com/
  • FOOD: food and pot coffe https://www.facebook.com/paseustedcafe
  • ORGANIC FOOD: Classes about how to have your own orchad in house http://elquesiembracosecha.wordpress.com/2013/05/06/taller-de-huertos-urbanos/
There are a lot of examples of this and how in all the cities this trend it's a real thing. I really like the globalism in such aspects, but i think we took the wrong way, it's time to go back to basics and be global but in the right way.

By Eliamar Martínez G.

read more of this http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/03/localism-i-don-buy-it-201431845834225231.html

Comparison between México and Colombia.

Sometimes we can take for grounded the difference between some countries which are in the same continent. So lets take a look into México and Colombia.


México actually has 118;564,077 as population and Colombia has about 47,073 million people.

According to "World Population Statistics" The number of Colombia is an increase of about 0.3% from the last census in the conutry.

The boom in working population

The labour force in México is about 78.2 million people which is divided in three sections:
  • Agriculture:  10.7%
  • Industry:       33.4%
  • Services:       55.9%
In Colombia the labour force is about 23.08 million people, also divided in this three sections:

  • Agriculture:   18%
  • Industry:        18.9%
  • Services:        63.1%

Geographical Position

México is in the south directly connected with Guatemala and Belize, which is one of the mains factor of immigrants of those countries. At the north, México is directly connected with USA. Once, an ex-president of México, Porfirio Díaz said: "México... so far from God and so close to the United States".

The geographical position of Colombia at the north is directly connected with "The Caribbean Sea" and at the south it is connected with Ecuador and Peru.

Trade Agreements

  • Andean Community
  • Group of Three
  • Caribbean Community (CARICOM Agreement)
  • World Trade Organization
  • USA, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Canada, Panama and Chile.
México: It is the biggest exporter and importer in Latin America
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • Japan, Uruguay, Israel, Chile, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Costa Rica
  • European Free Trade Association
  • TN Agreement
  • Group Of Three.

Piracy: The Sails of Media

Our culture is it now conformed by different types of media. Technology now let people share their knowledge among the world and way of living. As a consequence of this culture is it now an important product of globalization opening the doors to other ways of thinking. Nowadays people can have access to music, movies, and other kind of media from all around the world. However, it is important to say that this access may be limited to some content leading to some illegal practices in order to reach it, such as piracy.
Although piracy have been criticized for not rewarding its intellectual creators, and all those people in their production, it may be the only access to culture to some people. Through piracy, it is possible to have foreign media and rise knowledge. For example, some electronic music it is only available in Europe and can be hardly found in Mexico. Even they are in fact famous, some of their can neither be found in online stores, leading to practices such as piracy.
An example of piracy in which it may have had help to share knowledge can be found in fansub. Fansubs is referred to content in which titles have been added in order to translate to a language, sometimes this is the only access to people in their language.
Even piracy does not fully reward its intellectual creators and people involved, it helps to spread its content among the world. This practice may not be legal at all, but it has an important impact to culture and knowledge in community.

YouTube for the World!!

 A lot of people use YouTube every day, it is used for us to entertain and get information about really anything from all over the world. It is such an easy media to use and like I said, a lot of people all over the world use it.

In my case, and I guess a lot of us started using YouTube to watch funny videos for entertainment, but over the years it has evolved and now it not only has funny videos, but also news, tv shows, video blogs, music videos and so much information on video that it could be referred as a "videopedia". It is interesting that also, thanks to YouTube people can watch things from all over the world, we can use Google to find anything of any place around the world, and also we can use YouTube for that.

Like a blog, a fanpage, an account on Facebook or a Twitter account, YouTube can help people get together or get closer to other parts of the world and with other people too. So continue using it, and even if you think that maybe you are just watching a video from your own country, maybe someone from the other side of the globe it is also watching the same video.

And lets talk about other important thing about YouTube, and how it makes an impact on people, like viral videos that thanks to YouTube, and also other social media become global; and to remember this you can have a look on Psy and Ylvis.

Psy - Gangnam Style

Ylvis - The Fox(What Does The Fox Say?)

Can social media save the world? By Miriam Rubio

Are #hashtags and RTs making a difference?

On this day and age it's easy to be informed about the goings-on of the world. With a simple scroll of our Facebook feed or a look at the day's TTs (trending topics) we are able to know what the latest news or gossip is. The same goes for international affairs; We are now so connected that another country's problems become our problems too.

Recently, the uprising in Venezuela and the conflict in Ukraine became popular subjects on the web; If you were confused, and didn't know why your friends or the whole Twitterverse were making a big deal about these countries, a simple Google search could fix it; or if you're into trends and wanted a more detailed explanation, you could have BuzzFeed point out everything you needed to know about these crisis. 

So, to express their concern, people around the world attended their Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook accounts to post pictures, videos, words - anything, to show their support for the victims.

Certainly, posting a long and touching status on your Facebook profile about how you’re sending your prayers to Venezuela can give you a sense of involvement; you're doing your bit in fixing the world’s problems- problems that are out of your control. But how far can social media go when dealing with a global crisis? What difference does it make if Jared Leto, or any celebrity for that matter, addresses the situation in front of millions of viewers on live television?

Yes, social media can bring people together. It also informs us about events happening on real time, whereas in another time we would have learned about incidents like these weeks later, or maybe we would’ve never known that other countries have it worst than we do. But, let’s not forget how easy it is to manipulate information these days and that even in this globalized era we can be misinformed. Sometimes we can never know what really happened unless we´re actually THERE.

So, can a tweet overturn a dictator? Can a million YouTube views stop the killings of innocent people? The power of social media on a blue helmet-scale is yet to be seen. In the meantime, keep those support posts coming, and if that doesn’t work, well, we’ll always have selfies.

Social Globalization by Media 

We have discussed many topics through the year. We have talked about music, films, food industry, politics, war, culture and even clothes. We have watched videos, we have read articles and discussed our different points of view about all these topics. But one thing that have intrigued me the most is Social Media and the power it has to put people togehter even when they are thousand miles apart. Today´s globalization has a lot to do with social media and with the power people have given to this new way of publishing information, sharing opinions and documenting events in real time. 

Social Media allows the users to generate their own content and sharing it publicly with audiences from all over the world. One example we discussed in the classroom is the use of Instagram by the Israel defense forces, where they public pictures of their activity by their own members. This is very interesting to watch because the images are made and published by their own community and do not pass through an editor or a reporter. Here is an example of the pictures they upload:

Social Media has many applications and it is used by regular citizens but also by government departments, famous celebrities and public figures that want to be active in the web 2.0 world in order to send messages to their audiences and to publish content that will help them with their goals, whatever they are and rather they are good or not. 

Globalization is impulsed by Social Media because it allows people to build communities all over the world without even knowing personally the people in those communities. It also helps people to understand and know other cultures and the way they live. You can post your opinion about something and you can also read another opinion from another person in the same matter. And the very interesting and rich thing here is that you can know read the point of view of everybody in any matter and not only the opinion that is shared in the TV NEWS programs or in the journals or in the magazines or books, where only "educated" or "important" people is allowed to write. Social Media is the new way of being a part of your country and of your society. It has created a new era where everybody has a voice, and where everybody can monitor authorities, government and people in charge. 

Another example of the powerful use of Social Media is the black side of these internet based networks, and it is the use of social web sites by government departments to send messages to weak audiences and manipulate them directly. We are going to make a presentation about this topic this week in the classroom. The use of Social Media by Enrique Peña Nieto communications department.

Communication is power, and Social Media has become the new powerful weapon. 

Eduardo Córdoba A01062346

Globalization: A good or bad thing? by: Roberta Ramirez A01190424

Globalization: A good or a bad thing?
Globalization is the process by which different societies, cultures, and regional economies integrate through a worldwide network.  Over the last hundred thirty years, globalization, has affected many nations in various ways; economically, politically, and socially. Globalization followed a process over the years that were divided in three following phases.
Success and movement of capital and labor, as well as commercial development that reduced the transportation cost, characterized the fist phase of globalization, which extends from 1870 to 1913.  The First World War interrupted this phase; it was impossible for countries to trade between them. The end of WWII marks the beginning of integration between countries worldwide.

The second phase of globalization can be seen as corresponding to the period 1945-1973. This stage was marked by a significant effort to implement international financial institutions and trade cooperation, as well as a significant increase of trade of manufactured goods between developed countries. It amplified the capital and labor.

During the last twenty-five years of the twentieth century (from 1973), a third phase of globalization started to develop. There was a huge spread of free trade, the growing presence on the world stage of transnational corporations whose operation are the international systems of integrated production, expansion and capital flow and notable trend towards homogenization of development models, despite the persistence of selective trade protection mechanisms. Also societies started to mix between them.

There are many advantages for the existence of globalization such as: technological revolution, reduced cost of transportation and products, increase in information, and communication, but also there are some disadvantages that need to be taken into consideration such as illegal immigration, or the domino effect in economies, for example if the USA has an economical crisis most of the countries will be affected, and last, but not least sometimes due to globalization the a person may earn skills in an other country but stay there to apply them instead of their own country.

North Korea

The documentary about North Korea was actually the one that really caught my attention. I think it is devastating how globalization is actually going past the society of North Korea. The whole society is behind when it comes to technology, invention and the use of internet. The people have no idea about general news, things that happen in the world, just as about other countries politics, economies and conflicts and crisis. The only information they actually get is provided by the government and very one-sided and biased. Also it is mostly propaganda and hatred that is built towards other countries.
Because the media is only one-sided, people do not know anything really and are not able to form their own opinion. The society seems brainwashed and they might not know that their situation could be better or different anywhere else.
The impact of giving the people access to all the technology and the internet would be extremely dramatic. The people would start using the internet and get in contact with the worldwide media and other people. It would be a big shock for them when they realize what is all out there. The use of media could actually be very overwhelming. But in the end the people could form their own opinion when having access to all the information, they would start to question the regime and probably end in a big protest or riot.

I thought it was shocking to see how North Korea is so far behind in globalization. For us it is so normal being connected with everyone whenever we want, having access to all news from all over the world and having everything available at all times.