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Social Globalization by Media 

We have discussed many topics through the year. We have talked about music, films, food industry, politics, war, culture and even clothes. We have watched videos, we have read articles and discussed our different points of view about all these topics. But one thing that have intrigued me the most is Social Media and the power it has to put people togehter even when they are thousand miles apart. Today´s globalization has a lot to do with social media and with the power people have given to this new way of publishing information, sharing opinions and documenting events in real time. 

Social Media allows the users to generate their own content and sharing it publicly with audiences from all over the world. One example we discussed in the classroom is the use of Instagram by the Israel defense forces, where they public pictures of their activity by their own members. This is very interesting to watch because the images are made and published by their own community and do not pass through an editor or a reporter. Here is an example of the pictures they upload:

Social Media has many applications and it is used by regular citizens but also by government departments, famous celebrities and public figures that want to be active in the web 2.0 world in order to send messages to their audiences and to publish content that will help them with their goals, whatever they are and rather they are good or not. 

Globalization is impulsed by Social Media because it allows people to build communities all over the world without even knowing personally the people in those communities. It also helps people to understand and know other cultures and the way they live. You can post your opinion about something and you can also read another opinion from another person in the same matter. And the very interesting and rich thing here is that you can know read the point of view of everybody in any matter and not only the opinion that is shared in the TV NEWS programs or in the journals or in the magazines or books, where only "educated" or "important" people is allowed to write. Social Media is the new way of being a part of your country and of your society. It has created a new era where everybody has a voice, and where everybody can monitor authorities, government and people in charge. 

Another example of the powerful use of Social Media is the black side of these internet based networks, and it is the use of social web sites by government departments to send messages to weak audiences and manipulate them directly. We are going to make a presentation about this topic this week in the classroom. The use of Social Media by Enrique Peña Nieto communications department.

Communication is power, and Social Media has become the new powerful weapon. 

Eduardo Córdoba A01062346


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